Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): duration

a) response time
Note that the amount of data varies between nodes.

Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): throughput

Results of the latest run:


afad directly: 0.233 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 10.308 38.6 3.7 req. now
bgr directly: 200 0.070 1.1 16.2 req. now via federator: 200 1.801 1.1 0.6 req. now
bgs directly: 200 0.189 0.6 3.2 req. now via federator: 200 1.072 0.6 0.6 req. now
gfz directly: 200 0.147 1.3 8.6 req. now via federator: 200 0.557 1.3 2.3 req. now
icgc directly: 200 0.091 0.8 8.4 req. now via federator: 200 0.421 0.8 1.8 req. now
ingv directly: 200 0.411 6.3 15.2 req. now via federator: 200 3.276 6.3 1.9 req. now
iris directly: 204 0.760 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 1.459 1.4 0.9 req. now
koeri directly: 200 0.165 1.5 9.0 req. now via federator: 200 0.643 1.5 2.3 req. now
lmu directly: 200 0.090 1.8 20.0 req. now via federator: 200 0.387 1.8 4.7 req. now
niep directly: 200 0.236 1.6 6.8 req. now via federator: 200 0.600 1.6 2.7 req. now
noa directly: 200 1.313 13.4 10.2 req. now via federator: 200 9.450 13.4 1.4 req. now
odc directly: 200 0.089 1.2 12.9 req. now via federator: 204 0.321 0.0 0.0 req. now
resif directly: 200 0.888 1.6 1.8 req. now via federator: 200 0.311 1.6 5.3 req. now
sed directly: 200 0.028 1.3 44.1 req. now via federator: 200 0.333 1.3 3.8 req. now
uib directly: 200 0.166 16.3 98.0 req. now via federator: 200 2.615 16.3 6.2 req. now

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): duration

Channel le

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): throughput

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AFAD 23-01-2025 15:06:58 200 0.247 6.9 27.9 req. now
BGR 23-01-2025 14:43:44 200 2.900 3757.7 1295.8 req. now
FEDERATOR 23-01-2025 19:37:56 200 30.302 5543.8 183.0 req. now
GFZ 23-01-2025 14:43:28 413 1.366 0.3 0.2 req. now
ICGC 23-01-2025 14:43:29 200 0.655 1072.3 1637.1 req. now
INGV 23-01-2025 15:03:09 200 1.907 9459.3 4959.3 req. now
IRIS 23-01-2025 12:48:07 200 34.408 1106937.7 32171.1 req. now
KOERI 23-01-2025 12:31:06 200 3.027 1959.4 647.2 req. now
LMU 23-01-2025 10:49:40 200 2.539 2094.5 824.9 req. now
NIEP 23-01-2025 11:03:40 200 5.281 4845.1 917.4 req. now
NOA 23-01-2025 14:43:33 200 2.342 3132.7 1337.8 req. now
ODC 23-01-2025 14:21:18 200 9.962 11734.2 1177.9 req. now
RESIF 23-01-2025 10:30:03 200 9.211 26847.8 2914.7 req. now
SED 23-01-2025 14:43:41 200 8.201 7884.2 961.4 req. now
UIB 23-01-2025 14:43:30 200 1.315 1960.0 1490.3 req. now