Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): duration

a) response time
Note that the amount of data varies between nodes.

Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): throughput

Results of the latest run:


afad directly: 0.240 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 8.590 38.4 4.5 req. now
bgr directly: 200 0.082 1.1 13.7 req. now via federator: 200 0.406 1.1 2.8 req. now
bgs directly: 200 0.183 0.6 3.4 req. now via federator: 200 0.633 0.6 1.0 req. now
gfz directly: 200 0.130 1.3 9.7 req. now via federator: 200 0.390 1.3 3.2 req. now
icgc directly: 200 0.096 0.8 8.0 req. now via federator: 200 0.258 0.8 3.0 req. now
ingv directly: 200 0.475 6.3 13.2 req. now via federator: 200 2.981 6.3 2.1 req. now
iris directly: 204 0.794 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 1.401 1.4 1.0 req. now
koeri directly: 200 0.230 1.5 6.5 req. now via federator: 200 0.373 1.5 4.0 req. now
lmu directly: 200 0.065 1.8 27.6 req. now via federator: 200 0.391 1.8 4.6 req. now
niep directly: 200 0.239 1.6 6.7 req. now via federator: 200 0.556 1.6 2.9 req. now
noa directly: 200 1.624 13.4 8.3 req. now via federator: 200 16.752 13.4 0.8 req. now
odc directly: 200 0.082 1.2 14.1 req. now via federator: 200 0.299 0.3 1.1 req. now
resif directly: 200 0.684 1.6 2.4 req. now via federator: 200 0.280 1.6 5.9 req. now
sed directly: 200 0.030 1.3 42.1 req. now via federator: 200 0.322 1.3 3.9 req. now
uib directly: 200 0.170 16.3 95.8 req. now via federator: 200 4.512 16.3 3.6 req. now

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): duration

Channel le

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): throughput

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UIB 26-01-2025 14:56:23 200 1.308 1960.0 1498.8 req. now
SED 26-01-2025 14:56:51 200 8.014 7884.2 983.8 req. now
RESIF 26-01-2025 10:31:22 200 9.095 26851.3 2952.2 req. now
ODC 26-01-2025 14:34:21 200 9.542 11734.2 1229.7 req. now
NOA 26-01-2025 14:56:43 200 20.729 3132.7 151.1 req. now
NIEP 26-01-2025 11:02:25 200 11.315 4845.1 428.2 req. now
LMU 26-01-2025 10:49:58 200 1.937 2094.5 1081.4 req. now
KOERI 26-01-2025 12:41:17 200 2.533 1959.4 773.4 req. now
IRIS 26-01-2025 12:59:27 200 53.346 1106899.7 20749.3 req. now
INGV 26-01-2025 15:15:55 200 1.780 9455.0 5311.0 req. now
ICGC 26-01-2025 14:56:21 200 0.665 1072.3 1611.8 req. now
GFZ 26-01-2025 14:56:21 413 0.592 0.3 0.6 req. now
FEDERATOR 26-01-2025 19:34:22 200 35.783 13000.0 363.3 req. now
BGR 26-01-2025 14:56:53 200 2.186 3757.7 1719.3 req. now
AFAD 26-01-2025 15:19:22 200 0.267 6.9 25.9 req. now