Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): duration

a) response time
Note that the amount of data varies between nodes.

Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, text format): throughput

Results of the latest run:


afad directly: 0.239 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 7.824 41.0 5.2 req. now
bgr directly: 200 0.120 1.1 9.4 req. now via federator: 200 0.304 1.1 3.7 req. now
bgs directly: 200 0.180 0.6 3.4 req. now via federator: 200 0.617 0.6 1.0 req. now
gfz directly: 200 0.437 1.3 2.9 req. now via federator: 200 0.272 2.4 8.7 req. now
icgc directly: 200 0.094 0.8 8.2 req. now via federator: 200 0.253 0.8 3.0 req. now
ingv directly: 200 0.395 6.3 15.8 req. now via federator: 200 2.787 6.3 2.3 req. now
iris directly: 204 0.616 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 200 0.488 1.4 2.8 req. now
koeri directly: 200 0.786 1.5 1.9 req. now via federator: 200 1.228 1.5 1.2 req. now
lmu directly: 200 0.057 1.8 31.8 req. now via federator: 200 0.387 1.8 4.7 req. now
niep directly: 1.563 0.0 0.0 req. now via federator: 204 2.319 0.0 0.0 req. now
noa directly: 200 0.892 13.4 15.1 req. now via federator: 200 7.101 13.4 1.9 req. now
odc directly: 200 0.315 1.2 3.7 req. now via federator: 200 0.269 1.2 4.3 req. now
resif directly: 200 0.835 1.6 2.0 req. now via federator: 200 0.279 1.6 5.9 req. now
sed directly: 200 0.025 1.3 50.7 req. now via federator: 200 0.312 1.3 4.0 req. now

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): duration

Channel le

b) Entire inventory of an EIDA node (channel level, xml format): throughput

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AFAD 31-01-2025 15:15:41 200 0.247 6.9 28.0 req. now
BGR 31-01-2025 14:52:13 200 2.233 3738.9 1674.1 req. now
FEDERATOR 31-01-2025 19:40:47 200 7.439 6977.2 937.9 req. now
GFZ 31-01-2025 14:51:51 413 1.549 0.3 0.2 req. now
ICGC 31-01-2025 14:51:51 200 0.677 1072.3 1583.7 req. now
INGV 31-01-2025 15:11:54 200 2.065 9456.3 4579.8 req. now
IRIS 31-01-2025 12:56:26 200 36.922 1107157.8 29986.7 req. now
KOERI 31-01-2025 12:31:29 200 16.286 1959.4 120.3 req. now
LMU 31-01-2025 10:51:58 200 1.161 2094.5 1804.0 req. now
NIEP 31-01-2025 11:05:59 3.039 0.0 0.0 req. now
NOA 31-01-2025 14:52:02 200 7.856 3132.7 398.8 req. now
ODC 31-01-2025 14:33:23 200 10.182 11734.2 1152.4 req. now
RESIF 31-01-2025 10:32:44 200 8.950 26838.6 2998.7 req. now
SED 31-01-2025 14:52:11 200 8.728 7884.2 903.3 req. now
UIB 31-01-2025 14:51:54 200 2.944 1960.0 665.8 req. now