1 minute time window over 54 streams (am)

Results of the latest run


minAM-afad directly: 200 0.390 6.9 17.7 req. now via federator: 204 0.577 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-bgr directly: 200 0.182 78.9 433.6 req. now via federator: 200 4.747 65.3 13.7 req. now
minAM-bgs directly: 400 0.201 0.4 1.8 req. now via federator: 204 1.230 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-gfz directly: 200 0.213 45.3 212.8 req. now via federator: 204 9.210 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-icgc directly: 200 0.353 57.4 162.3 req. now via federator: 200 3.695 56.0 15.2 req. now
minAM-ingv directly: 200 0.122 37.4 307.4 req. now via federator: 200 2.755 33.2 12.1 req. now
minAM-iris directly: 404 1.009 3.9 3.9 req. now via federator: 204 0.177 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-koeri directly: 200 0.184 13.8 74.9 req. now via federator: 204 4.788 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-lmu directly: 200 19.468 73.2 3.8 req. now via federator: 204 4.698 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-niep directly: 400 0.234 0.4 1.5 req. now via federator: 204 3.710 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-noa directly: 200 0.395 138.4 350.2 req. now via federator: 200 4.572 124.9 27.3 req. now
minAM-odc directly: 200 0.108 9.9 91.2 req. now via federator: 200 1.871 5.6 3.0 req. now
minAM-resif directly: 200 0.400 65.8 164.5 req. now via federator: 200 2.013 64.6 32.1 req. now
minAM-sed directly: 200 1.592 75.0 47.1 req. now via federator: 204 2.018 0.0 0.0 req. now
minAM-uib directly: 200 0.429 85.9 200.2 req. now via federator: 204 5.683 0.0 0.0 req. now

1 min. time window over 54 streams, including segments

Results of the latest run:

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